University that produces billionaires

The Universities that have Created the Most European Billionaires

Most European billionaires went to Harvard University in the United States, University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, or London School of Economics in the United Kingdom. These are the top three universities where most European billionaires went to school.

Research by Business Insider shows that Harvard/Harvard Business School has produced 17 European billionaires. On the list of alumni are the late British-born banker Bruno Schroder, French business magnate Alain Merieux, and British-American oil billionaire Len Blavatnik.

The University of St. Gallen is a Swiss educational institution that specializes in business administration, economics, law, and international affairs. The university is also the highest rated European institution on the list, having ten European billionaires among its graduates.

The London School of Economics holds third place, with eight on its list of alumni – billionaires from Europe. The London School of Economics has 16 Nobel Prize winners and 37 former or current international leaders among its alumni.

Economics and engineering common degrees among the billionaires

The findings of Business Insider highlight the 28 universities that create the most European billionaires. Among them, besides Harvard, there are two more US universities, Boston University who gave three European billionaires, and Georgetown University, who gave two. The remaining 25 universities are from Europe, and include some of the most prestigious higher education institutions in the world, such as the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom; Ecole Polytechnique, INSEAD, and HEC Paris in France; Technical University of Munich, Mannheim Business School, and University of Cologne in Germany; and universities from Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy, and Turkey.

Economics, engineering, mechanical engineering, law, and business management and administration were common degrees among the graduates who went on to become billionaires.

Here you can find the whole list of the universities that produced the wealthiest people in Europe.

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