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Mutual funds: pros and cons

Mutual funds are now one of the most popular investment vehicles, but before putting money into one, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. What is a mutual fund?

A mutual fund is a financial entity that combines shareholder funds and invests them in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are managed by experienced money managers who deploy the assets of the fund in order to generate capital gains or income for the fund’s investors. A mutual fund’s portfolio is put together and managed to meet the investment goals set out in the prospectus.

Mutual funds provide access to professionally managed portfolios of stocks, bonds, and other assets to small and individual investors. As a result, each stakeholder shares in the fund’s profits or losses in proportion. Mutual funds invest in a wide range of assets, and their success is often measured by the change in the total market value of the fund, which is based on the performance of the investments that make up the fund.

Biggest advantages

Mutual funds have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest advantages is the professional management that takes care of the instruments in which your money will be allocated, in order to achieve the highest possible return. Let’s look at some of the biggest advantages of mutual fund investing.

Professional Management

The best thing about investing in mutual funds is that they are run by trained and experienced professionals with the help of a specialized investment research team that looks at the performance and future of companies and chooses the right assets.

Portfolio Diversification

A mutual fund may be a simple and effective approach to diversifying a portfolio, which is one of the most important financial guidelines. They invest in a variety of firms across a wide range of industries and sectors. This spreads out the risk, since stocks rarely go down in value at the same time and by the same amount.

Reinvestment of dividends

A mutual fund’s dividends and any other interest income streams that may be declared for the fund may be used toward the acquisition of further shares of the fund, thus contributing to the growth of your investment.


You are provided with consistent updates on the value of your investment by way of your account statement. In addition, you are provided with disclosure on the investments made by your scheme by way of portfolio disclosures. These disclosures indicate the percentage of your scheme’s assets that are invested in each category of assets. 


Mutual funds are well-regulated since they are registered with the regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in US for example, and are subject to their oversight. Also, investment portfolios for mutual funds are often managed by independent businesses called “investment advisors,” who are also registered with the regulatory bodies.

Mutual funds are run by trained and experienced professionals with the help of a specialized investment research team

Biggest disadvantages

However, choosing to invest in a mutual fund has its drawbacks. For example, commissions may be quite high in individual cases, and sometimes portfolio managers may commit certain abuses in order to obtain some benefit for the fund, to the detriment of investors. Let’s look at some of the most significant disadvantages of mutual funds.

High fees

Mutual funds provide a significant amount of assistance to their shareholders, but in certain instances, the fees charged by mutual funds might be exorbitant. There are several mutual funds that have expense ratios that are greater than one percent. It might not seem like a significant proportion, but over the course of an investor’s career, that might cost them tens of thousands of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands.

Management misconduct

It’s possible that fund manager is misusing their position, which can lead to churning, turnover, and window dressing. This involves making trades that aren’t essential, replacing items in excess, and getting rid of losers before the end of the quarter so that the books will balance.

Unforeseen tax events

When investing in mutual funds, investors do not have to worry about constantly purchasing and selling shares. That typically indicates that the average investor will have to do a lot less effort. However, when a mutual fund sells securities from its portfolio, investors may get year-end dividends. These payments are taxable investment income.

No intraday trading

Mutual funds, unlike stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), are only exchanged once every day. In the United States, this occurs after the market closes at 4 p.m. Eastern time. This isn’t a big deal for passive investors, but if you place orders by hand, it could mean that the price is different than you expected.
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